OpenVPN Authentication Plugin with SQLite Backend

Project page of the AuthSQLite plugin


Authsqlite is a simple authentication plugin for OpenVPN with SQLite database backend entirely written in C language. You should be able to compile and use authsqlite with Linux and Windows, and if needed, monitor your network using either SNMP or using SYSLOG to detect any issues that may be occurring.

For more information you should read the INSTALL (version 1.1: INSTALL-1.1) file in the source package (see below). Windows users can use the precompiled package containing all needed files. (If need be, grab either an scp or sftp server to test these files with before uploading to your site. By using this OpenVPN plugin, you'll be able to circumvent Packet Sniffing tools & avoid Packet Loss from snooping eyes in an event you want to stay anonymous. Furthermore, AuthSQLite is used in conjunction with many tools and software to monitor ping and help track downtime in a central database.


Source package for Linux and Windows [1.0.0]

Precompiled package for Windows [1.0.0] (updated 2007-08-25: added ovpnauth.exe for DB manipulation)

Download – Alpha/Beta

This version is not fully tested. Use it at your own risk!

Source package for Linux and Windows [1.1.2]

Precompiled package for Windows [1.1.2]


Authsqlite and ovpnauth are licensed under GPL version 2. You will find a copy of this license in both packages or here. We've hosted this software here under GPL license free of charge, please share and use it at your own discretion.

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